Monday, July 17, 2017

Pastor's Ponderings, July 17, 2017

Joy In The Midst of Pain

On Thursday, July 6, 2017, my dear son in law, Yantee Neufville, the husband of my daughter, Malika, transitioned into eternity.  He impacted his family, friends, colleagues and anyone he met because he met no strangers. His love, humor, intellect, deep rich laughter, compassion, and zeal were only a few of his marvelous characteristics and he changed lives for the better wherever he went.  He has a great legacy and is sorely missed.

As Yantee demonstrated through his short life of savoring every day and his ability to laugh through joy and pain, we should be encouraged to do the same.

Pastor's Ponderings: September 30, 2013

My family just returned from a fantastic vacation in Hawaii. Although most of my family had enjoyed this paradise before, it was my first time and I had the time of my life. I jumped in the Pacific Ocean, saw jaw-dropping beaches, ate great food at a luau, sampled delights at the macadamia nut factory, and gazed at indescribably beautiful sunsets. Our merry crew had no worries as we visited exciting places, met new people, laughed and enjoyed each other in God's amazing display of beauty and wonder.

When we were eating our last meal together, I noticed a brief sadness in the family since our heavenly experience was coming to an end. I was reminded that we ought to have a vacation feeling every day of our lives because that is how God wants us to feel. When we are in Him, we have the joy, peace, comfort and gleeful anticipation of new things to come. When we are in Him, we are constantly on vacation knowing that He is in charge. Although challenges will come and there may not be a palm tree to lean on, when we are in Him, His presence is our relief. Knowing this, every day can be a day of delight and happiness.

Will you join me on a daily vacation? This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!

Psalm 118:24
King James Version (KJV)
24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

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