Monday, August 26, 2013

Pastor's Ponderings: August 26, 2013

Almost two years ago, I received some disturbing news; I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  My dear father had passed the same year with the same disease and I had a decision to make.  I could watchfully wait to see if the cancer was slow growing, I could have radiation treatments, I could have surgery or I could desperately cry and moan, “Why me?” Each decision could lead to major lifestyle changes. I felt led to have the surgery and months later, I have no evidence of cancer. Thank God!

All of us have come to some crossroads in our lives where our decisions can have life changing consequences.  However, we don’t have to make our choices alone.  We can go to God and ask for directions.  Although our way may seem bleak and hopeless, our friends may have turned against us, our employment may have ended, but our Creator promises to never leave us. 

Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, was a great example of someone who received bad news. He was surrounded by a great army and did not know what to do.  He and his whole city turned to God who delivered the entire city and destroyed his enemies. 

Each day we have choices but our God stands ready to protect, help, direct guide and comfort us. We can walk daily knowing He is always there. We can walk confidently knowing that Jesus will meet us in whatever situation that may show up. 

Have a cheerful walk with Jesus today!

2 Chronicles 20:12
New International Version (NIV)

12 Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

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